Saturday, May 8, 2010

Returning to....Getting Ready to Leave.

Hello to our five followers.(:
My name is Hanna Musto and I'm in the 8th grade. I'm not quite 14 yet, but I will be by the time we go to Honduras.
I was on the Honduras team last year that unfortunately, was not able to go because of the coup. But, I'm S.U.P.E.R. excited that I get to go this year.
Because I was going to go last year, all of my support has been raised. Thank goodness I don't have to write out all those letters again!
Last year I was nervous about a couple things having never even gone through the process before attending a mission trip out of the country. Now, though, despite my still never having been to Honduras, I'm much less nervous and much more excited to just get to go. Getting to the airport and getting on that plane will be a blessing.
I suppose the thing I'm most nervous for is actually being able to go. After what happened last year, you never know.
I am thankful for the fact that God kept us updated and grounded in the U.S. so we didn't have to witness all that was happening in Honduras. He had great timing there.
Thanks to all who have given support financially and spiritually this year and last and I'd like to ask you all to keep praying that this year's trip would be successful.
-Hanna Musto

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