Wednesday, July 7, 2010

safe travels

Kristen reporting from Madison. The team made it from Honduras to their layover in Houston. They had a few hours of a delay, but at this very moment they are in the air on their way to O'Hare.

Special thanks to the parents picking up the students!

Show & Tell
Thursday, July 8
7 pm @ Blackhawk in the Underground

Hear stories and see pictures! We'll provide desserts. Everyone welcome!

Keep praying for team member Hannah, who is still in Florida. We're all hoping that she'll be able to be transported back to Wisconsin soon!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

quick update

We are loading the vans as I write so this will be short. Camp ended a couple hours ago with the bus song, ask the students, and now we are packed and heading out to Tela for a two day debrief with some of the leadership team here at the camp.

This morning we shared God sightings from this past week and it was encouraging to hear from everyone about how they saw God work in different ways. The students are tired but in great spirits and excited about the chance to buy some coke in a bag, talk about the trip and get a little down time.

Thanks for your prayers and my hope is that I can write more updates and read all your comments to the team.

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July wonderful Honduras Team from the families back home missing you on this holiday. We hope camp finished well and you have a good time at the beach. See you soon.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hey everyone :D

Greetings from West Palm Beach, Florida! As many of you can tell by now, I haven't been cleared to go home yet. Or anywhere, really. I've kinda been stuck in bed all day here. At least it means that I am on the road to recovery! My legs still hurts like no tomorrow and my hand is still out of commission (which is sad, because it means no art at the moment), but I can say that I've had a nose job due to my broken nose. Currently, I dearly miss Honduras and the whole team. I love you all.
The amount of concern and care that everyone has been showing has helped a ton, and it helps keep me smiling and enjoying the fact that I'm simply alive after an accident such as that. I am eternally grateful to Kike and repelling safety gear (helmet) because without either of them, my condition would be much much worse.
I hope that everything in Honduras is running as smoothly as it was when I was there. I miss you all and everyone is in my thoughts and prayers.
Sending love from Florida,
Hannah Fricke

Friday, July 2, 2010

camp: day three

We just wrapped up our third day of camp and once again it was a great day. Groups have bonded since day one with the help of high ropes, team building and some messy games. Last night Logan did an excellent job sharing his story with the group before and the first night I forgot to mention that Olan was willing to share her story spur of the moment and did a great job too.

The group also performed the Lifehouse drama that they had practiced before coming as we talked about the new identity we have in Christ after we place our faith in him. We also played a game where I got pudding all over my head which I am sure relates to Jesus in some way. He knows.

We finished the night with the cabins acting out scenes for Spider Man movies but with each group having its own movie genre.

The group continues to do well and I am thankful for a camp that has run so smoothly so far. It has offered a much needed emotional break for everyone involved. Thank you for your prayers and please keep praying as I know you are.

Good night from Honduras

pictures from Hanna M

Our new homes while at camp
Gringos looking good

Jackson showing off that he DOES brush his teeth

Thursday, July 1, 2010

a few random pics

The whole crew on day one
Sort of low quality shot from the day we gave out wheelchairs

Another cute kid picture

A little down time just before the campers arrived

Camp: day two

Day two of camp was our first full day and I can tell the students still are on an energy high. They started getting up for showers around 5 am which is just plain sick J After breakfast the cabins spent some time in devotionals and then headed off to one of five different camp activities.

When we have any down time the guys find their way to the football (soccer) field and the girls sit in the shade and talk mostly about the boys. There are a couple on our team, whom shall remain unnamed, that have attracted a lot of attention.

Tonight will be our second session and we will be talking about how the world and everyone in it is broken and that we need help. A number of students here are likely not Christ followers to please pray that God would draw them toward Himself and that those who know Him would grow in their knowledge of God’s love for them.

Our students are doing a great job of making new friends and trying new activities. They are not sticking with just each other which can be a challenge. I hear them learning new Spanish phrases and asking lots of questions. I am very proud of them.

The last things we will be doing before we head to bed tonight is a night game of capture the flag. It is a good way to end our day. We are thankful for your prayers and I will try and post up a more pictures when I can get them.

another happy birthday!

Yesterday was Taylor's birthday and today is Ben's. Please post any birthday wishes you would like to pass on and I will copy them off so they see them.

Thanks all!